Policy and Issues
Business and Job Creation
Small businesses are the backbone of our community and economy. Scott has seen first hand how cumbersome over-regulation can hurt businesses, stifling growth and job creation. Scott will fight for lower taxes on businesses, and to cut the bureaucratic red tape that hinders business development in our community. The perspective of a small business owner allows Scott to truly understand the needs of our community.
Pro-Life & Social Conservative
Family-centric values are an important part of Warren County. As a social conservative, Scott is firm believer in protecting the unborn, and working hard to preserve the values our communities have been built upon. Scott understands the importance of pro-life groups and will work with these organizations to advance the pro-life cause in Columbus.
Second Amendment Rights, Owning and Carrying Firearms
The United States Constitution provides us with the opportunity to own and carry firearms, for a variety of purposes. Scott is a life-long supporter of Second Amendment rights, and will work diligently in Columbus to protect these rights. Scott has his conceal & carry license and is a supporter of conceal & carry laws.
Local Control of Education, Schools and Curriculum
"Big Government" programs, from Columbus and Washington, are harmful to our children, and our schools. Leaders at the local level are best equipped to understand the needs of our school districts. Local Administrators, School Boards, teachers, parents and citizens know their communities and the needs of our children and schools. These same people know the resources in the community and how to best utilize them, to improve our schools. Career Centers and Work Force Development programs are critical to the future success of children, communities and the State of Ohio.
Agriculture and Agro-business
Warren County is a great place to live, work and raise a family. The agriculture industry has provided opportunities for many here in Warren County. Scott's involvement with 4H (Head, Heart, Hands & Health), Farm Bureau, and other pro-agriculture groups will continue while Scott represents us in Columbus. It is important to assist these vital organizations and industries that are an essential component of our local economy.
Low Taxes
Scott believes that lower taxes allow for growth and job creation. Lower taxes on businesses give them a greater opportunity to compete in the ever expanding global marketplace. Additionally, lower taxes on individuals can help stimulate the economy and return spending power from the bureaucrats and politicians, back to our community. Lowering taxes whenever possible will be a top priority for Scott.
Give Scott Your ThoughtsWe've prepared a survey regarding the important issues, and we'd love to hear your thoughts. Please click the button to the right to navigate to our online survey, and answer the questions!
Also, you can always call me to discuss ideas and issues! 937-790-0602! You can also reach my office in Columbus by calling 614-644-6023 or by email at [email protected]. |